Our Mission

Through collaborative and culturally responsive processes, we bridge the divide between Native communities and the organizations that represent their art, cultures and histories.

Our Values.

We strive to work from a foundation of indigenous methodologies which underscore transparency, accountability, reciprocity (with the land and all beings) and holistic/systems thinking. Our big, overarching goal is to transform the museum field and ultimately the way the world thinks about Native issues, lived experiences, art and cultural practices, and real, sustained stewardship of the land.

What We Do.

We are engaged in all aspects of work surrounding the representation of Native peoples in art and cultural institutions. We believe that all institutions, galleries, and businesses that exhibit, hold, display, and research Native American cultural materials must begin with the development of a sustained, reciprocal dialogue with the local Native community. We know that this can be daunting for many people and we aim help bridge the gap. We provide Cultural Awareness and Decolonization Trainings (or Indians 101) for staff and docents to ease the anxiety around teaching tough subject matter. We also provide all facets of exhibit development and installation, collections care and NAGPRA related work, education and outreach program development, evaluation and strategic planning.

Top Image: Portland Art Museum: Dene Bahi Naabaahii by Demian Dineyazhi and Kali Spitzer